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Virtual Team Building Activities during COVID-19

  • Ashis Adhikari
  • May 13, 2020
  • 4 min read

Day 50 of lockdown with the total confirmed cases of 217, the hit of the global crisis and pandemic COVID-19 is so hard that it takes time to process it, synthesize, and react. Everyone knows that the world is staring down the barrel of recession. The viral contagion is ravaging economies, individuals, and livelihoods. Amid all these whirlwind of […]

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Public Speaking in IT: Unveiling the Bright Side

  • Ashis Adhikari
  • January 29, 2020
  • 7 min read

The world has become smaller where almost everything happens with a click or instant responses online. It has definitely brought a change in our life. When we talk about career progression, though the world of work is increasingly being conducted behind computer screens, career progression is still about being seen and heard. And that is […]

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